El asbesto fondos fiduciarios are one of the best (and the most unknown) options for receiving compensation related to asbestos disease. However, when it comes to the challenges of asbestos exposure and the financial and emotional difficulties that often occur as a result, it is more important than ever to know as much as you can about asbestos fondos fiduciarios. Here is an overview of asbestos fondos fiduciarios, including how to file a claim and get the compensation you deserve.


If you may have been exposed to asbestos, even when you were a child, speak to your healthcare provider about tests and screening to help detect the presence of asbestos fibers and enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.

The Complications of Asbestos Cases and Asbestos Claims

One of the most complex issues when it comes to asbestos- and one that usually deters some people from seeking compensation- is the component of time. Often, it can be assumed that asbestos-related cases are going to take too much time, and those who are struggling with a debilitating disease related to asbestos are simply not able to devote the energy and time it takes to fight the battle from start to finish. 

This is an understandable concern, but it should not deter anyone from seeking compensation. 

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Understanding Asbestos Claims vs. Asbestos Lawsuits

It is true that the amount of time it takes to settle an asbestos case is dependent on many different factors. For one, it depends on whether the process falls under the category of a claim or a trial. This is one of the primary reasons why understanding asbestos fondos fiduciarios is so important- which we will get to momentarily. A simple rule of thumb, however, is that asbestos trials will almost always take longer than a fiduciarios claim.

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The Question of Time in Asbestos Claims

The reason for this is because of the comprehensive process of an asbestos trial. If a settlement cannot be reached pre-trial, the discovery phase will begin. This is essentially the fact-finding process of the trial, both for the plaintiff and the defendant. Both sides will be seeking evidence either to determine why compensation for an asbestos-related illness or injury is lawfully deserved or not. Plaintiffs will build their argument in order to establish a preponderancia de la evidencia, which means that they must provide proof of a more likely than not connection between the plaintiff’s asbestos-related disease and the responsibility of the defendant(s).

“Algunas fibras de asbesto pueden pasar por alto... las defensas naturales de su cuerpo... y alojarse en lo profundo de sus pulmones. Esas fibras pueden permanecer en su lugar durante mucho tiempo y es posible que nunca se eliminen”.

Fuente: Asociación Americana del Pulmón

Fortunately most asbestos trusts offer compensation without a lawsuit.

This legal process for acquiring compensation for the negative outcome of asbestos exposure has a rich and complicated history of almost 100 years. Early on, the first asbestos claims lawsuits were unsuccessful. Some plaintiffs died before settlements were ever reached, while others were paid off by asbestos companies in order to keep the settlements confidential. 

In a world far different from the technological age we live in, it took a long time for this information to make it into the public sphere, even when some plaintiffs were beginning to win their cases. Thankfully, with the surmounting evidence brought against asbestos companies, especially regarding their la negligencia and failure to warn employees about the known dangers of asbestos, the uphill legal battle began to gain significant traction.

“The overall evidence suggests there is no hay nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto."

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)1

W.A.R.D. Asbestos Database

The aid of technology in proving your asbestos claim.

Today, there are more resources at the disposal of plaintiffs and even more for asbestos attorneys to help build a solid case during the discovery process. One of the technological examples includes an online database known as the worldwide asbestos research database (W.A.R.D). This database is publicly-accessible software that allows users to search based on state, city, and occupation to find legal information related to asbestos exposure sites.

¿Califica usted para una compensación?

Descubra rápida y fácilmente cómo estuvo expuesto buscando en WARD, la base de datos de asbesto más grande del planeta.

Image Asbestos Compensated article body

What About Secondary Exposure?

People exposed to asbestos by a family member working around asbestos – people with secondary asbestos exposure – can frequently recover compensation from asbestos trusts.

Besides the fear of time, another element that often deters people from pursuing an asbestos claim has to do with secondary exposure. When it comes to issues like evidence, discovery, negligence, and other terms that have been mentioned already, it’s easy to think that the only way to receive compensation is by proving that you have worked firsthand with asbestos products or you worked in a facility that exposed you to asbestos. 

Secondary Does Not Mean Rare: Secondary Exposure is Exposure

While this is certainly a common scenario, it is not the only one. Exposición secundaria al asbesto means being exposed secondhand, such as family members of workers. While second-hand asbestos exposure is harder to prove, it is still a common asbestos claim that can be entitled to compensation, based on the evidence. Despite any doubts or concerns about proving the case, you should know that secondary asbestos exposure claims are both possible and commonplace.

“Por lo general, quienes desarrollan enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto no muestran signos de enfermedad durante mucho tiempo después de la exposición”.

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)2

The Difference of Asbestos Trusts

El asbesto Trust Compensation: No lawsuit, no deposition, no risk.

While all of these examples highlight the positive upward trend of asbestos lawsuits for holding companies responsible and compensating those who wrongly suffer from asbestos exposure, there are still reasons to look for a solution that does not involve going to court. This is where asbestos fondos fiduciarios come into play.

Not only are asbestos fondos fiduciarios an option to consider if time is a concerning factor, but they are also an easier option by comparison. Los fideicomisos de bancarrota de asbesto were previously established by courts as a way to hold companies responsible and provide compensation for people who have been injured by asbestos exposure. Shockingly, these fondos fiduciarios currently hold over $30 billion in unused funds

El two main requirements that must be met when filing an asbestos claim include proof of product exposure and proof of an asbestos-related illness. El asbesto fondos fiduciarios are much easier to deal with compared to lawsuits, but they must be sought after with the right evidence and research to ensure that you received the compensation you are entitled to. 

¿Califica usted para una compensación?

Descubra rápida y fácilmente cómo estuvo expuesto buscando en WARD, la base de datos de asbesto más grande del planeta.


Having an Asbestos Attorney Fight For Your Compensation

This highlights one of the reasons why having an asbestos attorney is so important. First, these professionals are truly experts in the world of asbestos claims. They have the advantage of experience, research tools, and the legal know-how to fight for victims. Having an asbestos attorney can make the entire process that much easier and stress-free for you. Best of all, asbestos attorneys only get paid once you get paid, so there’s no risk.

However, because of the statute of limitations that exists for seeking compensation, as well as the aggressive nature of asbestos-related illnesses, time is truly of the essence. If you or someone you love has been exposed to asbestos, reach out to the professionals at AsbestosClaims.law right away to find out what your options are.


Para Justinian C. Lane, obtener una indemnización por las víctimas del asbesto es algo personal.

Justinian’s grandparents and his father all worked with asbestos in their younger years and died from asbestos-related cancers in their later years.  

At the time of each of their deaths, no one in Justinian’s family knew that they were eligible to file an asbestos lawsuit and to seek compensation from the asbestos trusts.

Because no one in Justinian’s family knew their options, they never received any compensation for the death of their loved ones. 

Si cree que su lesión o la de su familiar estuvo relacionada con la exposición al asbesto, podría tener derecho a una compensación significativa.

Este es dinero que podría usar para cubrir los costos de los servicios de remoción de asbesto, pagar el tratamiento médico y proteger de manera preventiva su bienestar físico. 

También hay fideicomisos de asbesto que ofrecen compensación mucho más rápida y fácilmente (sin presentar una demanda).

Si desea ayuda para presentar un reclamo, ponerse en contacto por correo electrónico a [email protected]  o llámenos o envíenos un mensaje de texto al (833) 4-ASBESTOS (427-2378) o (206) 455-9190. Escucharemos su historia y le explicaremos sus opciones. Y nunca cobramos por nada a menos que reciba dinero en su bolsillo.

Además de demandas legales, discapacidad de veteranos, seguridad social y protección del empleo como compensación de trabajadores, FELA y La ley de Jones para los trabajadores marítimos, hay fideicomisos de asbesto que se han establecido para indemnizar a los perjudicados por el asbesto sin tener que presentar una demanda.

No hay riesgo ni costo para hablar con uno de nuestro personal sobre su litigio de asbesto. No hay cargos a menos que reciba dinero.

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes adicionales relacionadas con el asbesto, visite nuestro sitio web y página de YouTube para ver videos, infografías y respuestas a sus preguntas sobre el asbesto, incluida la salud y la seguridad, prueba de asbesto, la eliminación del asbesto de su hogar y edificio, y información legal sobre la compensación por lesiones de asbesto.

Presentamos la base de datos de información sobre asbesto más grande del planeta.

W.A.R.D., que significa Worldwide Asbestos Research Database, ayuda a los clientes a reducir cuándo y dónde pueden haber estado expuestos, así como qué productos aún pueden contener asbesto.WARD también ayudará a indicar los tipos de compensación ya cuánto puede tener derecho una persona.

1 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH) Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.
2 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH), Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.